Episode Summary
Compared to where I was just 6 months ago, I am in a good state right now. I seem to have arrested the low mood and suicidal thoughts (without the use of antidepressants or any active therapy).
With the work I have done on myself that I’ve documented over the course of this podcast so far, I even feel better equipped to deal with the challenges life will inevitably throw at me. But despite all of that, there are still some things that need “fixing”.
In this episode I share what they are and what I intend to do about them.
Episode Show Notes
00:23 – At the moment I am feeling quote good about myself. The feelings associated with a low mood have gone.
01:22 – However despite feeling good about myself, there is still work that needs to be done.
01:38 – The underlying issues remain and I can’t be lured into a false sense of security that I am “fixed” just because I feel ok – I’ve been here before.
02:30 – There are two areas I need to address outside of addressing the original causes of my low mood:
- The practical stuff I let slip when I was depressed.
- I am a shell of my former self and I need to rebuild me.
03:16 – At the moment I am struggling with feelings of overwhelm. This is either because I have made myself more susceptible to it OR, there is just so much still left to do.
04:33 – I seem to be struggling with a form of mental fog which has these symptoms:
- Difficulty focusing.
- Difficulty concentrating on anything for any great length of time.
- I am indecisive.
- There is a huge reluctance and resistance to do anything that requires any degree of mental effort.
- I am apathetic.
- I find myself easily sidetracked.
05:50 – Something I am concerned about is the need to nap during the day – I am very tired even though I think I am sleeping well at night.
06:40 – Despite all of this, the future looks positive. I just have to take the challenges one at a time.